Company Policy
For KBB Kollektorbau, entrepreneurial sustainability starts with a value system and a concept for the business activity in principle.
For this, UN global compact principles are integrated into the company-own strategies, guidelines, and process, and a culture of integrity is justified and lived. Through this integrative approach we not only maintain the basic responsibility for humans and the earth, but also create the condition for our long-term success, since good practices in one area cannot balance damage in another.
Therefore, KBB Kollektorbau issues the following values and principles:
Human rights
- We support and pay attention to the protection of international human rights.
- We make sure that we are not complicit in human rights violations.
- We commit to refrain from discriminating against people due to their ethnic background,
- due to their gender,
- due to their religion or ideology,
- due to a disability,
- due to age, or
- due to sexual identity
- when hiring and employing, and actively promote that such unfairness and harassment stops.
- We are against all forms of forced labour. We are for abolishing child labour.
- We are against corruption in all its forms, including blackmailing and bribing.
Integrated Environment and Quality Management System
- The continuous improvement of the quality of our products and processes, as well as the continuous increase of the operational environmental performance, is a constant challenge for every employee, regardless of function and position.
- We commit to comply with all relevant legal requirements.
- With reference to our business environment and our business activity, the relevant requirements of the interested parties are determined and respected.
- The effectiveness of the integrated management system is continuously increased by identifying and eliminating weak points, and by the coordination of targeted preventative measures to improve the environmental protection and quality capabilities of the company.
- To permanently improve the company performance, the existing knowledge is maintained, passed on internally, and expanded through suitable measures. Internal and external training plays an equally important role here as joint research projects with solar research institutions.
- Promotion of the development and distribution of environmentally friendly technologies
- Promotion of more environmental awareness
- Commitment to continuously improving our environmental performance
- Commitment to taking back our products at the end of their life cycle: if products are sent back, they are taken apart and properly recycled.
- All employers are obliged to comply with all the legal and applicable regulations of the company on environmental protection.
- Furthermore, with suitable organisational and technical measures, we commit to ensuring that:
- resources, such as water and energy, as well as raw materials and consumables are sparsely used,
- waste and pollutants are avoided or prevented, and remaining residuals are used or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way,
- used hazardous substances or resulting pollutants do not emit or leak out in endangering quantities for the atmosphere, the ground, waters, the neighbourhood, or the general public.
- The further improvement of the performance characteristics of our products by considering the requirements of our clients is also an everpresent goal for every employee, just like the continuous improvement of the product quality.
- Consequent uncovering of errors and causes, including the introduction of correction and prevention measures, is made in all areas and in all processes – from the planning up to the finished product.
KBB Kollektorbau receives green electricity.