Efficiency label for new heating systems, water heaters and heat storage systems
Dear customers, surely you have heard about the efficiency label for new heating systems, water heaters and heat storage systems (Energy labelling directive 2010/30/EC) which came into effect on September, 26th, 2015.
The energy label is similar used for household appliances (e.g. fridges, dishwashers), TV-Sets etc. The label shows the end users the efficiency of their heating systems / water heaters. The classification of heating systems depends on the used components.
Nearly all heating devices must bear labels indicating the energy efficiency of space heating systems, hot water devices and storage tanks. It will also mark the launch of a new type of label on the market: the package label. With this package label the consumer will have an indication of the energy efficiency of a system combining several devices, including renewable energy systems such as solar thermal. Product and package energy labels will provide consumers with comparable information on energy efficiency to help them choose more efficient and environmentally friendly heating solutions available on the market.
Collectors don’t consume energy but they provide, even if they don’t get a label. However, their positive contribution of the entire heating system will be credited so that they will receive a better label in combination with collectors.
Consumers will get better guidance when looking for an energy efficient heating solution to cover their hot water and space heating needs. Henceforth, according to an European directive that will come into force in all EU countries, only heating systems with labels ranging from the lowest efficiency G to the highest A+++ should be offered by dealers and installers. The newly introduced system label will indicate the energy efficiency for systems combining different devices up to 70 kW. Further informations about the Energy label you will find at „Sun, wind & energy“.
The energy label can be created online. We entered our data collector into the database of the VDZ. It is an open platform where the product data from all manufacturers can be entered and can be linked with any software. The access for craftsmen, merchants and software providers is free of charge. The data input is done via Excel datasheets.
The data of our collectors you will find here: Heating Label KBB
To get the label, please click here: Calculation KBB
First step – planning of the system: Just chose all components out of the database. The database will calculate the classification. Finally you will get a file including label and datasheet. It is also possible to vary some of the components to find out, which components suit best. If you need further information, please feel free to contact us.